In 1970/71 which Partridge Family song was a number one hit in America, Australia & Canada?
Correct answer: I Think I Love You

Brings me back to my young days🫶

Kris, I had a big crush on David Cassidy. 🥰

Boxerdog4me, I too had a crush on David. I had posters all over my wall of him

Player #144745971
didn't David Cassidy stop performing after the death of a young girl at one of his concerts?

David Cassidy had a great voice and did many of the vocals. He had lots of concerts after the show was cancelled

Used to be my ringtone 🤣

Snoopy 3-24
I LOVE THAT SONG !!! I got my husband with that song !! Thanks Again !!! KATHRYN B. ••SNOOPY