On which island can you find the volcano Mt. Teide?
Correct answer: Tenerife

TriviaPhoenix, don't call that in. Words have power, you say "fireworks" thinking pyrotechnics. And the powers that be or whichever diety you believe in thinks "fireworks...how about exploding lava!"

Haha good to know that, I'm going to tenerife next month and already signed on to climb Mt Teide :) hope there's some interesting fireworks, it sounds long overdue for an eruption if it's supposed to be a "decades volcano"!!

Scary i don't wanna be there

Scary i don't wanna be there

Akamai 👑 Haulana
I never thought of Spain as somewhere to see an active volcano! Not to mention the 8th most visited. Stupendous!!!

Malay:Huh what
Phillipenes:Give me saba