What does MTV stand for?
Correct answer: Music Television

toe jam
l want my MTV.

I loved MTV when it actually did show music videos in the 1980s.

Player #91956759
Video killed the radio star…

Excuse the Kuz, if you have DirecTV, 336 shows nothing but music videos. they do have them nights though...

Lionessa, no, reality shows killed MTV, with the introduction of "the real world".

I loved the original MTV. Wouldn't be caught dead watching it now.

#91956759, ...and hip-hop killed MTV.

Excuse the Kuz
Isn't it funny now? They still call it MTV, but they haven't played anything that even remotely resembles music in years. Very lame MTV! I surprised that they aren't running cooking contest shows.

bagguet kitty
my terrible vision sounds funny 😆😂

used to like it, can't stand reality shows. if I wanted to watch people misbehave and make bad choices I'd just go to Walmart