Who is Thor's brother?
Correct answer: Loki
Our 3yr old Golden Retriever's "full name" is Loki, DOG of Mischief. Talk about a dog living up to his name! Since puppyhood he has been our "Sock Bandit" & "Beggar in Chief". He's adorable! He's huge - weighs close to 30kg, yet the front of his name tag reads "WARNING: Ankle Biter"
Loki is actually Thor's HALF brother not full brother if Nordic legend is true
Snance, He's the murderous, conniving, scheming villain at first - then subsequent movies show him in a more positive and amusing light... 😄
Rufus, well, to be fair, you can't name a pet Loki and not expect that behavior. :D
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Loki? He must be the uncool brother.