What is Batman's real name?
Correct answer: Bruce Wayne

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, Nope, nope, nope. Adam West was the best Batman. I loved watching the TV series as a kid and love it when I can catch a rerun. The Batman movies of the last few years are too dark and boring. Too much Sturm und Drang for my liking.

the dark knight

I watch Batman after school as a kid

it's Batman

Deborah , I thought Bruce Wayne had been injured and the treatment had given him the superpower. It was during the cold war, not long after WWII, so probably had something to do with something radioactive. Hmm.

Player #93460997
My favorite superhero . My son used to fly around in a Batman costume and cowl when he was two . Cutest thing ever. Good memories . He’s 28 now

Player #25874027
Deborah , And not enough”Ker-pow”

I read on the internet that his original name was going to be "Bruce the Moose ". What if eh...?