What fruit is called Nature's Toothbrush?
Correct answer: Apples
Player #15069158
This trivia brought to you by the apple growers of America. 😅
Paul Steadman
De, I used to think this too. I've heard a few times, once from a dentist, that the acid build up in the mouth after eating weakens the enamel. Brushing straight after a meal is therefore not recommended anymore as you can damage the teeth. Best to wait a bit.
Player #120374466
Apples are not acidic like citrus fruits and cherries. Therefore is a healthy fruit for digestive health and your teeth. Along with regular brushing and flossing your teeth, eating an apple a day you can keep both the dentist and doctors at bay
Guava is more effective in naturally cleaning our teeth compared to apples as per latest test made by dental experts
I love guavas! But they are hard to find. Not popular in the US.
I love kiwis but the acid in them is so high that they were making my teeth sensitive, but they're very good for you, one little kiwi has more vitamin c than two medium sized oranges.
Maximino, guess I was correct then, because that’s what I chose
Maybe that’s why Eve accepted the Apple in the garden of Eden?
my question is why are apples the only fruit quoted in plural form here?
Me i just brush my teeth night time ( once a day)