Who is in the picture?
Correct answer: Robert Downey Jr

Karen 7
Great actor. He should of won for the movie Chaplin.

Boss Lady
loved his Sherlock character. Did you know he could sing? He has an amazing voice!

little b
I've got a friend called Robert

Hunger Knowledge
As Ironman 👍 As Dr. Doom 👎

Hunger Knowledge
RDJ is a of most loveable actors of time Fans & Hollywood gets behind him no matter how much he falls off. He's that underdog folks put for

I recognized the iron man! Haha!

Jilly Bean
and I am iron man

But the real life movie I
love it really it is very
very very very very very
interesting am not a
boy seriously I am not

He was great/funny in Heart & Souls.

Karen 7, the judge

Karen 7, I loved him in due date aswell