What is the name of the syndrome when there is no heart in the chest x-ray?
Correct answer: Tin man syndrome

I have never heard of this. I presume it is treatable with today's modern medical advancements, if so what are the chances of survival? is there any particular area of the world where it is most prevalent?

They left out of the article WHY it’s called the Tin Man Syndrome…for those who may not know, it’s from The Wizard of Oz- the Tin Man had no heart (but did in other ways). ❤️

Is this named after the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz?

I try to imagine the shock parents of a unborn or newborn baby must feel when this is discovered.

Beautiful Torture
Never heard of this before…I can’t imagine the difficulties and potentially short life span those with this disease suffer.

little b
i dont have tinman syndrome

ATS, My Daughters cat had this. Lived a good happy life.

Jenny, more than

My cousin was born with this. She never left the hospital, and lived for 8 months.

seanieG eire/kreta
Andy, I'd say so