In what culture is a baby considered one year old at the time of birth?
Correct answer: Chinese

yes that is very fascinating and the same.time thanks for.the information barbara

ace jade
Koreans count the time when you are in the womb 9 months plus after birth plus 3 months is already 1 year old. That three months afterbirth they will count 100 days and they celebrate it as the first birthday.. same with the 3 stages when you are born halway year or nearly next year december they will gonna add 1 again so if you are 1 means ur age is 3

little b
I'm not Chinese

i think they are right because they calculate it from the womb its was the started of our existence.korean and chinese might be right i do believe them

Butterfly Mysteries
The culture who got it right.

This is a game that is full of wrong answers

Player #33292972
BARBARA, must make aging women really upset with this. We’re always trying to make ourselves younger by a couple of years but in China it would have to be about 4 years.

Their one year older than us then. 🤔

Mona Dar
ace jade, so confusing 🤪

SMD, 😂😂

poon, who that

BARBARA, holy cow! the weird things I learn on here! lol

confusing korean

ace jade
I did not know that chinese has this.. the first country i know is the Korean’s. Or maybe they adapted cause they are both the same using lunar calendar..

same goes to Korea too.. The babies aged a year older by the time they were born. and most of them consider a year older by the time a year starts even though the birthdate is halfway