Where is the tallest building in the world located?
Correct answer: Dubai

My photo shows tall skyscrapers, not a coral reef. But anyone who has played this game for any length of time should know by now that the images put with questions don't mean anything. Most are placed to mislead or misdirect the player. Have you not learned that by now? 😁

Shannon Koh
The picture is of a coral reef

I live in dubai and the Burj Khalifa is so beautiful, let me tell u something u might not know, the King of dubai Sheikh Mohammed Maktoum is constructing another building which will be taller than the burj Khalifa and this one is called the Creek Tower

dat oil money

I live in the building and I got the answer right but even I didn’t get the coral reef pic !!

but why coral?

Player #3087343k
I first thought what city is under water. then I read the answers.... knew Dubai was right...the coral reef picture definitely no help

Aiman Adzhar
Fun Fact : The tallest twin tower building is the Petronas Twin Tower in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The thing I notice about the pictures is that it may provide the answer OR it is a "red herring"--you decide.

Renjer Hitam
2020 update :
#1 Dubai Creek Tower : 1345 m
#2 Jeddah Tower : 1008 m
#3 Burj Khalifa : 828 m

The Man
Nunu , sure you do I believe you.

The tallest building in the world is called Burj khalifa

Sheila,yes I did not know that thanks for telling

total waste of money to show the poor people thumbs down

Josephy Daris
Renjer Hitam, mr your wrong Jeddah tower is under construction

Jenn Natalia
... Untill CREEK TOWER is complete 2025 in same city...

Knew it was in Dubai but not the rest

Greyghost69, Some people complain if the picture DOES show the answer.

can't believe that some got a picture of coral and others buildings

a coral reef? what the heck of an eye you have for describing the picture as coral reef....

Player #110572805
Thank *You*

Player #76575322
Sheila, thank u 4 the information.

Player #107679064
Meaning if you’re a Muslim and not eating and drinking during the day… is fasting!!!

Player #3087343k, what coral reef pictures?? I just see high rise buildings !!

how doesn't it not fall over

Sheila, how many floors?

nice q

Nunu , I immediately wondered how many base jumpers have flown off it. haha. 2500ft is usually when I'm pulling my parachute!

now i know..😍😍love this game always..

I would think they'd be concerned about earthquakes and starting what happened to nearby Java in 2004.

LittleSatan, don't care for your avatar name but I saw the same thing in the picture consider converting the Christianity if you want to live in eternal peace. 🙏

Shannon Koh, they changed it

that's tall

thought it was the empire state building...

Hozefa Ali
Made by the emperor of dubai and now its own by the empror of abu dhabi. When it was first made its name was burj dubai but since shk khalifa bin nahyan bought this it was renamed to burj khalifa.

I'm doing this for the achievement.

yes I know and I guess it was burj khalifa and burj al arab hotel was looking very gracefully and it was just awesome I like it very well

Pity they are behind the times in treating the female population equal; so many human rights violations

Nunu , you have my sympathy

Sheila, you have my sympathy