What is the more common name for third molars?
Correct answer: Wisdom teeth

I only had two, one on the upper right and one on the lower left. The army removed them for me saying eventually they would cause trouble and have to come out anyway. I did not know they were called supernumerary.

I had three, my brother who was born next 3 years later had 5

Ymrarose, I had a panoramic x-ray done at the dentist and it showed that I have none either.

wesley, Thank you for your service,Sir. Much respect and gratitude

Blue Cloud
Talaith, I agree

the way the question is phrased is confusing as the canines are the third teeth along from the centre

Player #137846770
Dorothy , you are very wise,then!

Player #137846770
wesley, Thank you for serving our country,sir

I was soooo lucky and didn't have any.

I still have 3 of them and I was born in WW2.

I have all four too to bottom it’s bad sometimes then it’s not easy to ease the tension and pain it puts on your jaw