How is the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport in the U.S.A. utilizing used cooking oil to help the environment?
Correct answer: By turning it into jet fuel

Fascinating example of recycling

What a genius idea!!

Player #85315195
Why isn't this method being used for all jets?

Prairie Woman
Quiz77, right now, the National Soybean Board, as well as Farm Bureau and several other agricultural groups, are working to get Congress to make an annually increasing percentage of all aviation fuel SAF. It would help All levels of the environment And the economy.

Player #51457099
Prairie Woman , I’m afraid it’s nothing more than tokenism. A 737 holds tons of fuel. I imagine that fryers would provide a tiny fraction. You could collect more, but that would require gas powered trucks…

Pleased to be in the company of thinkers ⚘️

Player #51457099, The thing that really matters is these things are being done, not by government mandate, but through cooperation and innovation. If enough businesses innovate this way (and many are), maybe there is room for some hope. This IS happening in Texas, where some large percentage of the population believes that "Climate change isn't real. We're not having that here."

a wild guess sometimes works!!!

Lionessa, I'm proud too!! As I live in the area. I just now learned this. Absolutely fantastic!!! Everything has to start somewhere folks.

jet fuel is still hurting the environment

why isn't it being used for cars too?

fantastic start!

Player #85315195, It isn't being used in jets all over the world because it was just invented! It takes time for new ideas to spread and be accepted, and more time to be implemented. It can't happen overnight. But it's a brilliant idea, and absolutely a step in the right direction. (And I'm proud that DFW is the leader in this.)

Why aren't all airlines all doing this yet?

Player Say what!?
Prairie Woman , Sadly, most likely won't pass in THIS Congress.

The airplane is Ryanair. It is because it has a woman with wings that are gold and the background is is dark blue. I love Ryanair!

Player #85315195, great question. As always, if we follow the money, we'll find out.

32,000 gallons a month. one airport. think of where the oil came from, and where did it get disposed of before. then thank a farmer