Why is spilling salt considered bad luck?
Correct answer: All of the answers are valid superstitions

Be wise
If you throw it over your shoulder it’s considered good luck.

I didn’t know spilling salt was bad luck! But, this is interesting! I have seen people throw salt over their left shoulder but I didn’t know what it meant or why they done it! Hmmm! Well I live and learn something new everyday!

Player #120374466
Nde, Your correct DJH, it isn't in the Bible. Superstitious are based on customs, storytelling, and traditions, not on facts. It's amazing how many people are influenced by these.

Yana, No Garlic kept evil away
salt brought us KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken mmmmh

Nde, In Australia we throw salt
down to prevent creepy crawlies Trawlies

where i come from we spill salt to chase away evil spirits and i have never read a part in the bible that says Judas spilled salt

Marsv, in the painting, not quoted from the Bible.

Mars V
In what version of the gospel does Judas spill salt at the last supper?

Going in another direction here. In Supernatural ,salt kept the evil out , not invited it in.

Wow that's nice

jm, it is to avert bad luck not bring good luck.

jm, it means that you are throwing salt in the devil's eyes