Who got run over by a reindeer (in the classic Christmas song)?
Correct answer: Grandma

Tina M.
As a grandma, can't say I like the words to that song. :)

best song ever I'm a great grandmother and that song can show people to laugh at selfs no matter the situation.

toothless beachrat
I remember when this first came out, it always brought a smile to my face...

Player #92723922
The marks were on her back.

hermina, she did

Cat Mom, yes she did.

Best Christmas song ever

Cat Mom
I like the version sung by Darell Hall & John Oats

Cat Mom
Oh fiddles, it's just a silly, good natured song! Of course she didn't die!

Cat Mom
Dalia, well, maybe you should

funny song but I miss my grandma's

Well, I didn't watch this film

Lady butterfly, i am assuming grandma died?

Lady butterfly
That song is NOT in the spirit of Christmas