Where in the human body is the "plantar fascia"?
Correct answer: Foot

I have this. A golf ball works well with, just roll it around the bottom of the heels, arches and toes for 30 seconds. I also found a product called Icy Feet. They are foot shaped ice blocks that get strapped to your feet. They work well.

I suffer from that...and it is really painful.

jeanie, The best thing to do if you’re standing a lot & prone to it is to…fill a water bottle up with water & freeze it. Then you roll your foot across it. I know I’ve been there! No fun! Used to feel like somebody hit my heels with a hammer! Ouch

key word was plantar

Player #138029610
arch supports and a heel cushion helps to lift the area where bone and ligament connect.

I have plantar fasciatis. foot splints to bed, inserts in all footwear, Hokas, spiky ball to massage. still can't walk for more than a few miles wo limping but it's better than it was a year ago

Vellie annette
Nhuca , I had it. I now stretch my foot before getting up in the morning. And periodically take one foot and pull my other big toe forward and back stretching the muscle/tendon that runs the length of your foot.

Sometimes you would need surgery for plantar fascitis

I know people who had that. . .

Mrs busybody
I had this for months. I’d never heard of it before. I just rolled a can under my foot and did a few stretches and it cleared up pretty quickly. It’s a very painful condition but can be cured.

I knew the answer to this question because of countless commercials on the subject

I got heal Spurs ! Hurt...only thing that helps...GET ORTHODICS ... then put a foam on top of the ORTHODIC...👍

My dad was a foot doctor.

Arch supports inside my shoes cured mine!

Had this condition for 8 months, pain that bad felt like slicing open my heel, ended up getting a painful steroid in it.