What does the famous gesture by Spock mean?
Correct answer: Live long and prosper

Player #164425, i just hope that your comment is not inspired by anti-semitic sentiments.
The actual blessing is done with both arms held horizontally in front, at shoulder level, with hands touching, to form the Hebrew letter "shin." This stands for the Hebrew word for "Shaddai," meaning "Almighty [God]." Nimoy modified this gesture into one hand held upright, making it more like a salute. So, technically, the Vulcan greeting is not the same thing as the ceremonial Jewish blessing. Still, the resemblance is close enough to evoke instant recognition among knowledgeable Jews.

The answer was logical!🖖

KiKē, that's the problem with the world today..every one is screaming racism.. chill out

Miss you Spock.

TheJoz2016, peace and long life is the response to live long and prosper


Spock, one of the greatest creations in American pop culture. Thanks again, Gene Roddenberry.

Player #2106031
faithfulservent, when Leonard Nimoy was asked about the jesture, being of Jewish deisent he used the Hebrew letter for life which is Sheen.

How cute, "Vulcan's never bluff". Teehee.

Player By-Tor

Logically, all the hate in these comments is in error. People, please remember IDIC. Being mindful of this concept might reduce some of the harshness in the comments section.

I never could do that hand jesture

KiKē, and some Jews get offended over nothing while their ' brethren ' are murdering babies in displacement camps. Those are Semite babies..and most Jews are Atheists anyway..

Cat Mom
Player By-Tor, lol

KiKē, it's a TV show with a fictional character making a fictional jester why are you going down a rabbit hole over a TV show good grief.

Sandman, RIGHT!!!!

Joyous one, actually, Shatner is Jewish - or at least his parents were. IDK if he still observes.

I can't do that

Mars V
GenerousFlame48616, It’s the other way around. Peace and long life….Live long and prosper.

That’s quite lovely about the Jewish blessing ! (I’m sure the former comment wasn’t
anti semitic.)

Spock- Of all the souls I’ve encountered, his was the most human. SO true! His character was so popular and remains so because he represents the struggle it is to be a human. 🖖💜🖖

Sandman, we're all human✌️

toe jam
the commercial with his wife says he died of copd.

Few people knw he was a singer also and cut an album

Joyous one
Player #31967608, no I don't believe Shatner is Jewish but if asked I'm sure he'd like the attention and go all out excited about it!

I don't think the comment was anti Semitic. I'm Jewish and so was Leonard nimoy aka Mr. spock. he thought using a sign of peace and prosperity would work on the show. jeans William Shatner would use all kinds of things to confuse other actors.

KiKē, my oldest nieces name is Shaddai.😊

Player #66817220
doxierescued, that's a lie.

Player #66817220
Player #34922687, the world needs more geeks.

Player #66817220
Oreiayean, "He's dead, Chewie!"

Player #66817220
Player #31967608, according to Adam Sandler's song.

Player #66817220
Player #26858135, he learned the gesture from watching rabbis.

Player #66817220
Player #15662286, no, you can learn.

Player #66817220
Player #10489007, where did that first come up?

Player #66817220
Player #5394265, yes, he told the story many times.

haha I put may the force be with you.. I know that is Star Wars😳I think haha sorry people not a big fan of space series.

Player JD
hit the wrong button too quick!

Peace out Spock an back at'cha bud 🙃

Jesse Tello
Mr Spock 🖖 live long and prosper a fan of star trek !!!!! rest in peace Leanord!

Player #34922687
people actually confuse that with the force? they got to be joking