Where is 'Tashirojima island' located?

Correct answer: Japan

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
Think I saw a programme about these cats, the local fishermen give them some of their catch, the cat's all come down to the harbour when they see the boat's coming in.
Azorean Blue
Azorean Blue
Mini, well cows don’t have 5 to ten calf’s at a time . Japanese do like their traditions every time a new businesses opens or if u go to a restaurant they usually have the cat statue that supposedly attracts money for the business. If the residents of the island coexist well with the cats it’s their island their decision. But they should have a spay and neuter program . Live and let live !!
The name tells the answer, but still I made a mistake
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
andrea, Yeah, I thought Asians eat cat meat. Some Chinese restaurants in Oregon and California have been busted by health authorities for substituting cat meat for chicken
Rosie-knees, yes this is nice, these animals need to be fixed though. and this alleged "reverence" is contrary to the general Asian territories.
If there's a Jima at the end of the word yeah it's Japan.
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
Must have been a widely watched TV documentary! I saw it too a long time ago, but still remembered enough that i was able to answer.
Player #13956803
Player #13956803
what's the name of the program?
what about the cow herds in India.. somehow you do not seem to see them overrun the populace????