What conflict was called The Great War?
Correct answer: World War I

Twigster, it was a horrible waste of human life.

Nanna Moon
the war to end all wars

Sadie Rose
I'm surprised by how many people had to guess and guessed wrong. They do still teach history in public schools, correct?

Sadie Rose, Wise words 'If you don't know history, you are Doomed to Repeat it.'

Sadie Rose,
you can teach it to them but you can't learn it for them.. my daughter didn't want to read it so she just closed her eyes and declared that nobody could make her.. she's 47yrs old now and is so sorry she was so stubborn..

Sadie Rose, it doesn't matter what they teach if the student doesn't want to learn

KindKitten89, “great” can mean wonderful or an amount. In this case, “great” is referring to the actual amount of countries, people and land mass involved.

in it's time, "great" meant Big, Huge and Vast.
nobody guessed it would be just the First of the world's Global wars...
embrace peace, folks

KindKitten89, It means Great as in size not a compliment of some kind.

Player #31796263
Sadie Rose, Unfortunately, today's version is Revisionist History. what little students are taught about history has very few facts, most is what is "politically correct" and what the media wants known.

JuJu7756, every war is a waste of human life

Men who feel they are entitled get lesser men to do their bidding to out match and brutally murder the innocent each other and steal what is not theirs.

Player #126640392
Sadie Rose, teaching is one thing...
LEARNING is another 😉

batman25/1, They actually DID call it the first world war before WW2

Sadie Rose, no it's been white washed we don't want to hurt snowflakes with truth

Nanna Moon, that actually started the most violent century in human history

JuJu7756, All wars are a waste of life, but the most profitable for corporations.

Player #31796263, well said. I totally agree 👍

I will never forget the stories and novels I have read about what so many thousands of young men suffered in the trenches. Absolutely heartbreaking, and such a waste of so many lives.

ninjagranny #24337166, Cavalry, Calvary was were Jesus was crucified.

Player #37520272, that’s tragic.

Gol, when it was happening and before there was a Second World War, they wouldn’t have called it World War I. Also great here doesn’t mean, wonderful, happy or any other simile, great referred the the proportions, many countries were involved over many, many miles of territory.

wesley, the armistice was also horrible for Hungary.

All because a Serbian nut job murdered the archduke of Austria and Serbia refused to prosecute the killer. The armistice following the war was so unjust to Germany that it laid the foundation for world war II. Millions of people died due to one incident. Relatively little things can have major consequences.

all because the Austrian archduke Franz ferdinand and his wife Sophie were assassination in Sarajevo Bosnia by a Serbian nationalist. they thought it would be over by Christmas but it took 4 years of horror. LEST WE FORGET

I love the common sense of this question. as it was happening, it wouldn't be called something implying it's only the first world war unless it's known there's a second one

Joyous one
Nanna Moon, But it didn't exactly work as we will always have evil to counter.

Nanna Moon, too bad it didn't 😔

But the sad thing is that they just aren't teaching it today

Player #58092313
My daughter did the same thing... she's two years older and regrets it also, of course.

A Sad Loss of Lives . Like All Conflicts. Innocent Get Hurt/ Killed . Sad.

Sadie Rose, nope not at my school

Sally Anne
JuJu7756, All wars are

Terrible grammar in the explanation

I wasn't aware of this. Thanks.

World War 1 is World War 1, why say it the great war again.

Player #38789176
it was actually 1st referred as ww1 in 1914, a lot of people saw it as the 1st of many world wars

Player #41065536
Knew the answer but not the detail of when the reference was assigned.

Player #42485787
consider that whilst called a world war many nations weren't involved (eg south American nations) and therefore would not be part of their curriculum. this app is everywhere

Player #41749672
what is great about a war?