What is the fastest shark?
Correct answer: Shortfin Mako Shark

Player #96919
nimblemoon, well there are a load of sharks and I don't just mean in the oceans!

I once swam righf next to a shark in a cove on Maui. I thought it was my dad!

Thank you, Shark Week.
The fact that the fastest humans can run 18 mph and the cheetah 70 is immaterial....
How fast can they swim ?
Answer...Not nearly fast enough.

Adirondack Will
The picture is of a Goblin Shark. They live in deep water with little or no light. The Mako is a kind of Mackerel Shark usually found in areas with large populations of prey fish.. like Mackerel.

A smaller relative of the great white.

What a wonderful creation of our god Jehovah and his son Jesus

Wonderful creatures.

Bonita shark is fastest