How far can a skunk spray?

Correct answer: Up to 10 feet

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What people think about it: 35 Comments
Player Ejag
Player Ejag
My daughter& I found a baby skunk by the side of road. He looked so forlorn that we took him home. Couldn’t have him descented cause in Pa, vets had to kill them tp prevent threat of rabies so we raised him along with our 7 cats. Had him for 5 years in the house, he played chase with us & cats, ate huge plates of veggies and regretfully died of cancer. P.S. Found a wonderful vet who would care for the little guy.😎
Player #100277
Player #100277
Jethrine321, skunks spray as a last resort. i see them every night in my yard eating under the bird feeders. when they see me, they run away.
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
The smell also sticks to the animal. So if one lives nearby you will smell it late at night every 4-5 days or so, as it patrols its territory. (Skunky marijuana is only vaguely reminiscent of the same aroma. . .I live in a state where both are experienced regularly.)
When you are driving around at night and think you smell a skunk that might be road kill it could actually be some Marijuana plants growing in the woods near by. 😋
Player #3213897
Player #3213897
Player #100277, I had a pet skunk named "Snoopy" when I was a kid...he was so awesome! The glands were removed when he was a few weeks old. Great pet...
Player #9442102
Player #9442102
weedwhacker, One night I started to drive into garage. A head popped up out of garbage can and looked at me. It was a skunk. He looked at me like what are you doing home so soon?! He knocked can over and waddled away outside.
Player Darius
Player Darius
Player #1154062, we had 5 small ones for pets when I was a child. we returned them to the wild when they were big enough to fend for themselves
Player Ejag
Player Ejag
Forgot to say, he only sprayed once when we had to dip him in a bucket of flea dip. Luckily, he sprayed while in the bucket! We emptied it in woods at bottom of yard and it smelled down there for months!
( Snail Darter)
( Snail Darter)
Player #100277, If you feed your cat outside, you might a skunk sharing yours cat’s bowl like they’re buddies...
Player #3429927
Player #3429927
Player #3703722, They might not have predators but I've had two different dogs that didn't get that memo.
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
Osiris, a bit over three meters.
If you are confident you can answer any question
I was going to work early in the morning and I was going down the alley who a baby skunk came running towards me. I froze and very slowly backed up and went down the side alley. He might have thought I was his best friend, but I didn't know where his mother was or what she might have thought about it, but I wasn't going to wait to find out.
Tina's twin
Tina's twin
i lived in central Upstate NY and had a Siberian Husky. She happened to notice a skunk on the wetlands that bordered our property..took off after it draggin me behind her. out of sheer luck, neither of us got sprayed
Player #25073831
Player #25073831
I got a good picture of a little skunk eating cat food in the carport. We have a good many skunks in South Mississippi. They are so cute.
Player #31296246
Player #31296246
Yes I have seen one in back y
Player #25232914
Player #25232914
When I was doing wildlife rehabilitation here in Texas, I once rescued a skunk that had gotten his head stuck in a drainage pipe at the base of one of those huge oil storage tanks, probably chasing after a cricket. Put a towel over the business end & just kind of 'unscrewed' him. He was a little wobbly, but okay. It I think it was a TEXACO tank.
Player Ejag, 😂
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
If The teeth are at one end and The scent glands at The Other end, Maybe that is why they do Not Spray and bite at The same time.
Any chance of giving the metric system equivalent?
Player #9809468
Player #9809468
Player #13926341, what about in Parliament?
Shikha Gupta
Shikha Gupta
No, I haven't seen a skunk
Player en_846
Player en_846
My dog was sniffing a feathery black plant in a garden. When I realized it was a skunk I quietly pulled him away.
Jethrine321, NO
no , i haven't seen one before
Please next time display values in metric system also, thanks :)
the smell and the gas is like nothing you have smelled before,its putrid.If you are sprayed at close proximity, trust me its stays with you for days and days.
Player #13926341
Player #13926341
We don't have skunk's in the UK.
Lottie Lilley-Coles
Lottie Lilley-Coles
Player Ejag, thank you and God bless you for saving one of God's creatures.
Player #11837714
Player #11837714
yes they are lots of them in Canada.
Player.    Ty
Player. Ty
Jethrine321, SKUNK WEED😎
Player #15603440
Player #15603440
sure have. my dog has been sprayed a couple of times
Believe me, I know first hand.
Player #8737205
Player #8737205
yes many times one was coming right towards me
Chelseablue 1971, Rural area, not in town.