In which continent did "Homo Sapiens" first evolve?
Correct answer: Africa

the first complete skeleton found in Europe, who died 10,000 years ago, has been revealed as a man with black skin and ice blue eyes. his remains lie in the British museum. scientists believe he is the ancestor of most Europeans, as people still had black skin when they reached Europe out of Africa 🌍.

Player #33717691, all bleed the same colour

Lorraine , A 10,000 year old skeleton had eyeballs? And skin?

All our ancestors from ancient times were Africans.

We all have melanin. Which gives us our skin color.

The first population of humans to leave Africa (first wave) are believed to have traveled through Southeast Asia, then island-hopped to Northern Australia where they became the Aboriginal people. It's believed this happened about 50,000 years ago.

Mel, the Bible does not state anything ; the Bible is the word of men not God's...🙄

Tommy T
Jax, really? I wonder how the scientists deduced that when there is no surviving evidence for or against it.

Tommy T
PerkyLin, That’s the theory.

Tommy T
Lionessa, They must have found some DNA. News to me though.

Lorraine , They say all those with blue eyes are desendants of one individual

Player #62752956
Lorraine , Cheddar man was a typical Western Hunter Gatherer that populated much of Western Europe at that time. “He” is not “the” ancestor of most Europeans. The first farmers from the Middle East and Turkey, and Steppe Herders (bringing Indo-European languages) arrived later in large numbers. In Britain for example, WHG’s are thought to be responsible for about 10% of ancestry (less in the Mediterranean; more in the Baltics).

Player # 33717691 ... from my POV, "black," is an inferior minimal description.

interesting, not directly related fact I learnt last week. humans lost their body hair from living on the coast and spending a lot of time in and out the sea

Except for people who are albinos.