When did Vice President Spiro Agnew resign his office amidst a federal indictment?
Correct answer: 1973

No armies of spin doctors, or biased "journalism". People had to take responsibility for their "sins"

Aaron Burr was the first VP to resign in disgrace.

yes..our government let's all the corruption go on and don't do anything about it

Check out "Bag Man" podcast! It's the story of how Agnew got busted! It's a fascinating story!

Regardless of party affiliation, nobody gets to the top being a saint.

Player #38618593
That creep dragged his corrupt business interests into the White House, regularly received bags of money (cash!) in his office, and boldly lied to the American people about it all.
A $10,000 fine and three years of unsupervised probation was a joke! If ordinary citizens did that, they'd have time to think things over in a cell.
Which is where he should have been.

Paved the way Gerald Ford to eventually become president

Player #38618593,
the justice system hasn't changed much since then unfortunately the justice system doesn't punish the rich whites like they do the poor ppl of color if that was a black person who was being charged with that same charges he wouldn't be sentenced to unsupervised house probation most likely he would've been sentenced to 25 to life along with a larger monetary fine compared to the 10k even though that was a lot of $$ back in the day it still didn't fit or compare to other ppl of color who were sentenced and fined harsher when being judged for something similar

A portrait of Spiro Agnew was in the John Waters 1994 film, Serial Mom, with Kathleen Turner

Psychojoe6970, I would think he'd have his own tax accountant instead of doing taxes for himself.

Player #38618593, Martha Stewart spent 5 months at the expense of public room and board.

PuliceneBuffalo58282, I'm with you.
why have cheats if you can't use them?

PuliceneBuffalo58282, I haven't bought coin one and I have over 3000.

never heard of another "Spiro"

Player #3598663
Player #MinnieLuv, MadCow

Kathryn Mary
beatlesfan1, stick to music 😝

Player susanbee
Tinker20665, c'mon

Player susanbee
Tinker20665, that's a joke, right? lol

Player elguapo
PuliceneBuffalo58282, I haven't bought any coins

Player #4728439
Player #2431249, And of coyrse in your view 45 and he's cohorts are saints!

Player #1633488
Angel Smith, Not just Pres and VP. Senators and HR too! Rules change every day and not just national.

Was always a criminal, just got caught on a lesser charge.

Mario Suedi
I remember that name & I was only 13.

...and saving a seat for Trump.