What are the names of Harry Potter’s parents?
Correct answer: Lily and James

I worked in a public library and it was always an event when a new Harry Potter book came out. We would open at midnight to loan hundreds of copies of the book to the adults and children eagerly awaiting the next book.

The rest is Herstory!

Nerak 7
kids really loved reading these books…. I hope someone will write another character that kids today would like to read..

I took my son to the book releases and the movies. It was our thing. But he outgrew all that and I look forward to when his daughter is old enough to enjoy the Harry Potter books and movies. I've kept them all over the years.

Artie, i love all things in the potterverse.

I love all things in the Potterverse.

def couldn't forget that

I love Harry Potter it is one of my Favorite Series and Trilogies