Who purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867?
Correct answer: William H. Seward

Also, it was known as Steward's Folly!

Player #5344198
InsatiableGoal55358, sorry as this is not a response to any specific response but simply a bit of a curiosity query on my part. it seems from responses I have read while playing this game, it seems more than not, many of you are not native to the U.S.
Nothing wrong with that, in fact it makes for good info sharing. I have just noticed a bit of frequent critique of the nation and customs.
in these precarious times, I hope all can remember we are each born into a world of our parents choices (generally).
I find I have a big heart for all inhabitants of this planet.
Please forgive me if I have offended anyone. Happy Halloween from Phoenix, AZ! 👻😀👻

Player #6852065
Marika72, People back then thought it was a huge waste of money to purchase Alaska, which was viewed as a frozen wasteland. Instead, it is one of the wisest purchases in U.S. history.

Player #1839987
purchased by US at Seward's urging. Seward did not pay for Alaska

Seward's folly. He was Lincoln's Secretary of state and was slashed and stabbed in his bed the night Lincoln was shot but he survived. Powell the guy who attacked him and beat his son senseless when he tried to stop him was one of the ones hung on the gallows

It was only a short time later that the Klondike gold rush began .

Player: Coco
Alaska was Russia's only presence in North America - I would say (in hind sight) not a great strategic move to sell. But at the time, Great Britain controlled Canada & Russia didn't want them obtaining Alaska. The purchase also enabled the U.S. to chart a pathway to becoming a super power - for better or for worse...

Player #6852065, akndn here i think of us as seward' treasure.

Player #5344198, thank you. I totally agree with you 💯.

Extre beauty and Cold.

Miss Sue
Player: Coco, For better.

Player: Coco, Actually Russians settled in California at Fort Ross on the coast before it was a state

Player #120374466
Player #6852065, Yeah lots of gold and petroleum.

Most people would agree that, I might be able to urge you to purchase something, but that would not make me the purchaser. For this reason I chose President Lincoln as the obvious answer seeing it would take his signature for purchase to be made.

one of many great purchases by theU.S.A.

Player #47280495
I really thought the question implied who was President at the time of purchase. Not who was the advocate for the purchase.

Player #29494788
bad question. HE did not buy, but was the person pushing fo r US to purchase

Coco I wholeheartedly agree with your message n know that the purchase was a stroke of GENIUS

Player #45500588
EliteLawyercat57024, yes beautiful and we should all thank God we bought it or we would have Russia bordering Canada

Player #50166468
Player #5344198, if anyone is offended because of those remarks , they need to adjust their way of thinking. For some reason the white race (which I am classified) of this country is so afraid of another race over taking the majority they do and say things that really shows their ignorance. It says in Jeremiah that man cannot guide his own steps, I think our creator has shown that to us by allowing mankind to try. That is why Eve took and ate the forbidden fruit.Satan told her if she ate the fruit she would be like God and could decide right and wrong for herself. Mankind can't govern themselves. They have proven it with every generation.

Player #1839987, Perhaps he conducted the purchase on behalf of the United States? Not to be argumentative, just another way of looking at the wonderful thing Secretary Seward did during his tenure in office.

Red Rebel
Player #5344198, Arizona USA here and find people interesting. I have not come across negativity

William Seward was the 24th Secretary of STATE, not "States". Be careful of errors like that; they matter.

Player #5344198, thank you. I agree with you. live and let live. I don't disrespect you, I'd like the same courtesy

Gary, thanks 4 info.

InsatiableGoal55358, Why?

Player #696917
that has to be divine intervention

thanks for the great info !

try Seward's folley