How many moons do the planets in our solar system have?
Correct answer: 166

Pluto has Charon but they have down graded it from a planet

Player #14078176
why is it that the moons of other planets have cool names, but ours is just called The Moon, maybe we should have a competition to name it?

Player. Ty

Player #8988878Xet
Saturn has taken the lead in # of moons from what I've recently read...

luckycatfay, Pluto and Charon are quite interesting actually. Charon is so massive in the Pluto system that neither body orbit each other, rather they both orbit a point in between in space. For that reason, Charon might not actually be a moon technically, but co-dwarf with Pluto...
If we’re looking at dwarf planets though, there would be thousands of moons in all honesty.

I'm sure Jupiter has 79 moons 71 confirmed and 8 provisional

Should be changed to how many moons have been *discovered*

Player #49101312
I'm pretty sure that if earthlings are ever able to communicate with people from other planets that they will call their planet the equivilent of "earth' which basically means the dirt/earth we stand on.

Player #14078176, Because we have only one and in the beginning it was named Moon if we had two than we would need to name it. Cool huh!

Player #8988878Xet, yes I heard that as well

Player #14078176,
The Moon is actually our satellite. There is only one "Moon", just like the Sun is the name of a star, the Moon is the name of our satellite.

Sorosola B
Player. Ty, so does my son. He loves anything about space

Player #14078176, what end up with money mcmoonface?

Player #2512936
Player #16439746, Other Planets have moons too!

M1guel Sanchez, too bad it would be right if the center of our galaxy was a star but its a black hole.

Dum dum, should be called satellites


Player #16439746
I only thought that there was only one moon. I'm impressed

wow. had no idea