The Computing-Tabulating-Recording (CTR) Company later became which company?
Correct answer: IBM

Player Say what!?
I used to have an IBM Selectric typewriter. The best made.

Player #2618149
Player Say what!?, I could accurately type 85 + words per minute on the IBM Selectric Typewriter!! That little sphere would spin like crazy fast 👏

I worked at IBM when this new thing called email came around, no thought it would catch on. haha

Player Say what!?, IT WAS HOW I became a clerk typist. Loved it.

Player #10871065
Player #2618149, My Daddy was a 2 finger typist. He typed 80+ words person on my Selectric! I did the same as you~~85!

Player #3833664
I think IBM is easy to remember and say That's a mouthful to say Computing etc etc Then again suppose we woulda got use to saying: CTR as we do IBM

Player Say what!?, LOVED my Selectric typewriter! Liked that you could change fonts.

Is that the same Watson they named the chess playing supercomputer after?

I too learned how to type on an IBM around 1976.

Ignis Consurgens, agreed, very solid feel, superior to those machines i learned on, intuitive.

Tex Patriot
Unfortunately an IBM Machine was used to assign numbers to Nazi Concentration Camps.

Player Say what!?, still have mine. Mom bought it back in 86.

Another obvious answer. So glad since this game won't let me use my cheats.

her2positive, it says in the answer. International Business Machines.