Which of these games is often played on Halloween?
Correct answer: Apple bobbing

I live in Ireland ive never heard of snap apple night

in Scotland it is also more commonly known as "dooking for aipples" Another game is eating a jam smeared drop scone/pancake that is suspended from string while blindfolded and hands behind back...

Player #8258475
Sonicgirl, Halloween has been celebrated here long before it reached the shores of America. In fact Scots were dressing in disguise to safely walk among the spirits and ghosts they believed walked the earth on Halloween before America was even discovered. The word Halloween is Scots for All Hallows Eve and it was the Scots and Irish immigrants who took these customs over to America with them. It is a Celtic festival tho so the only ones who think Halloween is American apart from the Americans themselves would be the English.

Bobbing for olives in a glass of martini mix is loads more fun.

We played it a lot at kid's Halloween parties (even at school)

old metal worker
When I was a kid that was the only time we washed our fruit. we would normally eat them off the tree. How did we ever survive.

Player #6419381
Our whole family did apple bobbing this Halloween. The children all loved it, but I got a bit competitive and ended up with a fat, bitten lip 😂! We always use a blindfold for the ‘bobber’ and add an onion for some mild peril!

Back in the 50 or lower this was a fun game. However now I'm sure people would find it very unsanitary.

Another pagan festival taken over by commercialism.

PeacefulTornado20204, oh sorry to hear that. they are a lot of fun. has nothing to do with witches, satan, evil etc...

who hasn't bobbed for an apple.

Player #120374466
PerkyLin, All of these customs are appeasing the dead and trying to avoid of being haunted by them.

Player #120374466
old metal worker, Hopefully they werent sprayed with pesticides

My family never played any of those games for Halloween. Never seen anyone bob for apples for Halloween. But then, too, it's a strange holiday. I'd prefer the Mexican holiday, Day of the Dead if I were to celebrate it. At least that one makes sense to me.

gertiewiggins, It’s American. Reasons here in Great Britain or UK, we’re not into Halloween as a nation, much as US.

It's not too difficult so long as the apple has it's stem.

Player #110523101
Player #8258475, I love this game because you don't know what you don't know until you hear it

El Paz
When I explained Guy Fawkes Night (5th of November ) to my American cousin, (yes I literally have an American cousin,,,,, LOL) she thought it was absolutely gruesome compared to Halloween,,,,😱

Fredrico, I didn’t know that!

old metal worker, those were simpler times and there was little use of pesticides. our food was organic and healthy

We still bob for apples on Halloween and I grew up in Scotland so I also remember trying to eat drop scones covered in jam hung from string at Boys Brigade parties! Brilliant fun but not when it gets in your hair! 😂

Too many American cultural references! There are several other countries in the world 🙃

I won a t.v. bobbing for apples when in college..

Player #50531971
well there's a question only certain cultures can answer. and in at least one of those, the bobbing isn't on Halloween, so I'm down voting this one.

Beast Boy
apple bobbing? I thought it was manhunt/hide and seek

Player #13023389
I used to love bobbing 4 apples. I am now 64 and don't do it anymore. It was great fun! Debby

Hallie the Ultimate
Player #8258475, The Scottish word is Hallowe'en.

Hallie the Ultimate
The tradition of an AppleBob has been long gone here in the USA. When I was growing up it was common, now most under 30 never heard of it.

apple bobbing?

Minus Girl
I thought was Hide and seek

Player Elf Council
Suz, We called it Ducking Apple Night in England but never actually used water. My mum didn't want a mess so we strung a cord across the room and dangled apples from them which had to be eaten with your hands behind your back. Great fun.

Player #11972146
I did this every single year as a child. what is so gross is that you never change the water in the tub so everyone's spit is on the water too. gross

gertiewiggins, I did it when I was younger and I'm Irish

Player lintynubela
I'm Irigh too and we play that game always on Halloween .

gertiewiggins, me either

Player #8258475
Trey, At home we dook for apples using the more hygenic method of pulling a chair over to the bucket, you then lean over the back of the chair with a fork in your mouth, take aim and try to stab the apple :)