Avalon is the resting place of which mythical figure?
Correct answer: King Arthur

I never remembered just where King Arthur was laid to rest. Now I know..

Avalon is what we named our family compound.You cross the water (Puget Sound) to reach it, it's enchanting and the Kings (hubby and BiL) have retired here ;)

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Glastonbury Abbey in Somerset, England

And Arthur shall rise again from his slumber when Britain needs him most 👍

J, Drake will also rise up or his drum will sound on the invasion of the UK. lots of old stories like this.

I love Arthurian tales and legends !

Player #120374466
You can find King Arthur's resting place on Catalina Island in the small town of Avalon. His crypt is in the casino.

Brian Ferry and Roxy Music.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Mythologies/ faiths/ religions/ cults/ beliefs,/ etc. (pick a term you prefer, they are all interchangeable). It is Groovy to learn the different lores of old & new.