What is brontophobia?
Correct answer: The fear of thunderstorm

I saw ball lightning for the first time in my life this year very strange it was just starting from a tiny point of light and growing into a big ball then fading out. I was absolutely mesmerized I looked it up on Google and its a very rare phonomon.

Very loud thunderstorm still make me jump! 🥺🫣

Player #25874027
Where I live was the home of the BBC World Service and we had 13 very tall radio masts.
Awesome during thunderstorms.
All but one short one gone now.
Satellite dish somewhere now.

mick dundee
love the sound and light show that nature provides

Clown Boss
I thank brontosaurus, thunder lizard

Only when i'm on the roof adjusting the TV antenna....

I got struck by lightning, lightning and it was frightening, frightening

If one has ever flown in small aircraft over jungle canopy in South America, where storms can "appear" suddenly, the aircraft is flying blind as there is no contact with any Tower, the instruments are unhelpful and following landmarks on the ground is your only orientation, but because of the violent tropical storm, lightening and gale force winds, the plane is blind.
Now one can wax poetic about the splendid brilliance and elemental savagery of lightening and thunderstorms.
Bush pilots would not fly if weather conditions are not optimal. Neither would any sane soul.

Player #96919
Player Elf Counsel, As a kid I used to watch it from the window but now as a grown up I'm terrified of them. I have to go and sit where I can't see the lightening, I hate it

Player Elf Counsel, absolutely agree, until a fork of lightning struck a lamppost less than 15 feet away from me not long ago. I still love them but like to be indoors now.