In the famous film "Free Willy", what was Willy?
Correct answer: Killer Whale

Great movie..another tear jerker! They don’t belong in Aquariums for show! They shouldddd be free!🐳

Player #120374466
Never saw the film, but no whale or dolphin should be confined to these aquariums. It's cruel.

Killer whales are part of the dolphin family. So dolphin would be a correct answer also.

the actual name is an orca not killer whale

killer whale are large dolphins

chatty kathy
Kiki, mine too

Sameer ali
i do randomly

I haven't watched the film but killer whales seems to suit the show

I knew because I saw the picture it really helped I think they should be doing that 😂☺️😂😂

a answers to killer whale easy

Player #120374466, I don't know this movie

foltn fam
just look at the Pic and the answer will be right :D

Queen 👑
l love dolphins 💙🤩

I love Dolphins, Giraffes, and Killer Whales and I like Snakes but they have to friendly and not bite and Dolphins, Giraffes, and Killer Whales are so Beautiful and Pretty and Cute and Smart they are some of my Favorite Animals

There seems to be more concern about these animals that are kept in captivity.