What is an acronym for the colours of the rainbow?
Correct answer: ROYGBIV

Sage Anshu
VIBGYOR is what I know. The option here is reverse of this.

Player #111872301
The acronym for a rainbow is VIBGYOR

Mel, Yippee! No longer shouting, Mel (No longer using all caps) - thanks! - it was annoying so many peopld

Player #134726817
not an acronym. it's an initialization used as a mnemonic

Player #96890951
PeaceMachine, A verse from Infant school about Fairy Folk °to dry your falling tears
1 Fairy▪︎Came in Violet & 1 wore Indigo,In Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red▪︎They made a
pretty row, They wiped the cloud tears all away - & then Through out the sky ▪︎ Upon a line the Sunbeams made▪︎They hung their
gowns to dry.

where is "shiny yellow"?

I learnt the "Richard Of York" one. I was born in Liverpool UK. Not sure if it was just done in that area?

Learned it as VIBGYOR too. I actually never knew ROYGBIV was used until now! I think it might be a difference in Eastern Vs Western learning systems?

Tania - I don't see why you can't use letters starting from the other end of the spectrum, but the only drawback is - VIBGYOR is not a very easy word to remember, whereas ROY G BIV is. I'm 88 now, but still remember it from my schooldays, many moons ago!

In elementary school as a way to remember the colors they taught us to think of: Roy G Biv "The Rainbow Man" :-)

I use ROY G BIV to remember the colours of the rainbow.

We learnt it as VIBGYOR!