Which of these countries would you go on Safari?
Correct answer: Kenya
Big Game Hunting IS A CRIME and people who kill ANY animal as a recreation need to be imprisoned!!!!!
I was lucky enough to live in East Africa for a while and thoroughly enjoyed all those Safaris. They were amazing and when I hear that some people are murdering those beautiful animals it makes me feel so sad. Once when these beautiful majestic animals are gone, there will be nothing more to enjoy in that land.
little b
I've not been to Kenya
I would like to go on a Safari because I love animals
Player #26114804
How dare people kill animals?!? I don't think people would like it if they were killed just to be eaten! It's a crime to kill animals and anyone who kills animals should be behind bars!
Go away.
Improper English. Should have said "To which of these countries..."
gig at home today but the other thing is going well 👌
Manel, welcome back again