What is the term used to denote earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil?
Correct answer: Petrichor

Great smell, never knew there was a name for it 😊

Always wanted to know what this was called!!! God I love this game!!!

Love it!

Player #7248351
That's new to me, I'm learning good stuff on this app indeed

I love that smell. You can smell the rain in the atmosphere right before it comes.

Player #11766478
Love the smell when I’m out in the fields farming

Player #18587644
it's good to know that there's a name for something so pleasant

Player dwelsh113
This earthy smell is also the smell of postpartum blood. Do we love this smell because it was the smell of our first home? I learned this in nursing school and it is true.

I wonder if it smells differently in different countries. I once went to Florida and the air smelt so much different from England but then I suppose it depends on the flora of the area.

Player #1474571
GokulDon, I’ve always thought fresh cut grass smells like fresh cut watermelon

TardisTrekkie, that's cool

Hiqq, me Neither , whilst on a Pilgrammage in Bosnia Herzegovina after a slight rainfall I was sure the air was full of Wonderful scents
I was told it is common in Medjugoria on Krisevich Mountain , after rainfall W o W

I can thank Doctor Who for teaching me the answer to this 😂

Hiqq, I live in Texas where we regularly experience petrichor. A friend of mine who lives in Portland was in town. As a storm was coming we kept telling him to come on to get undercover. He didn't get it. Finally we did. And the bottom dropped out.

Oh, yup.along with: Fresh cut grass, lemons, and baking bread ! We are supposed to have a special receptor in our brains, for the smell of soil... 🤔😳🤯💥💯

Good question - would be great to have the other words defined as well - although I could just go and look them up in the dictionary!! 😂

Hiqq, same!

I love that smell. Great to know it's real name.

I just always thought it smelt like worms

The scent of rain, petrichor, has two main constituents with actual chemical names and origins – ozone (O3) and geosmin (C12H22O) and humans can sense it at 5 parts per trillion. Trillion! Which means that humans are 200,000 times more sensitive to smelling geosmin than sharks are at smelling blood.

I dislike that smell, especially as I live in a city and rain on tar seal pongs to me
I also enjoy this game 👍

Hiqq, same, I had no idea either! And Greek is my second language! 😂

Player Say what!?
Player #6041328, A weatherman said years ago that it's a small amount of ozone and that's why it doesn't last all that long.

also the name if great electro/techno musician from Glasgow, Scotland. Simon Stokes is Petrichor

smell is produced by a bacteria called actinomycetes which produces geosin

Player #39984513
finally, I know the answer

This has been my favorite smell for as long as I can remember accompanied by linens dried on a clothesline coming in at a close second. I’m glad to know there’s a name for it!

Player #55672208
I love this game it’s just won’t let u go

Petrichor. Such an unusual word. And yet I Learned this word just yesterday! A friend on Facebook made a post about his town getting some much-needed rain, and he commented how much he loved the smell of the petrichor. I never heard the word until then, and now here’s the definition on this game. What an amazing coincidence!

I love that smell! Nice to know the name. I absolutely love this game, I love to be challenged!!

I have always loved that smell and always wondered if there is a word for it. Now I know. 😁

Very pleasantly surprised by this game. Loads of good facts and hardly any ads

Player #45505475
Hiqq, oh gosh, Weather events have so many words to describe so very many conditions 😇

Player #6041328, That is what we were told when we were kids--it was the ozone! Funny!

Player #6041328
it's also ozone that you're smelling...

then a petri dish is actually a stone dish...yes, cos glass comes from stone.

We get this smell a lot in Australia when the rains finally come, especially in summer. Such a beautiful smell! I knew the word for it was petrichor thanks to Paul Kelly singing about it. Apparently the word was coined by 2 Aussie scientists from the CSIRO back in the 1950's or 1960's😁

a thing named - who knew???

RR Ronquillo
In Filipino, it’s “alimuong” hehe

I only know this from a meme on Facebook!