What is the the most likely root cause of dinosaurs' extinction ?
Correct answer: Climate change brought on by asteroid impact and volcanism.

My son said it was because dinosaurs couldn't brush their teeth. Teeth fell out, dinos couldn't eat, dinos all died. Sounds plausible.

chgamer, lol That’s adorable!!

chgamer, your son will grow up to be a great man 😃

Cigarette smoking per The Far side!

Player GruffSecretAg
No, Fred Flintstone killed them all off!

Montana Lady
QuackingTank2311, it's not a new idea, they've known that birds are the closest relatives to the dinosaurs for a long time. Now they have the fossil evidence and partial DNA to prove it.

The word dinosaur is a relatively new term that means terrible lizard. Don't we still have some of those around today? Alligators aren't exactly pretty, are they?

Montana Lady
scotty G, like the "theory of gravity"? Perhaps you need to look up what a scientific theory is. It means whatever is stated is considered a fact unless you can in some way disprove it....
There is proof both events occured and the time when they both occurred... Then, above the K-T boundary anywhere in the world, no dinosaur remains have ever been found.
(My mom's a paleontologist.)

People asked, how can an asteroid cause climate change? It comes down to carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. Humans today are causing climate change by putting a little over 32 gigatons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year.
The asteroid that hit was enormous and smashed a huge portion of a calcium carbonate shelf, which sent 1400 gigatons of CO2 into the earth's atmosphere all at once. So it created the same changes we are... but instantly.

Player #2445394
Sherri, It's a proven fact that Humans were NOT around when Dinosaurs roamed the Earth ! Humans came about millions of years after Dinosaurs died out !! And on what day did God Make Dinosaurs ??

Excuse the Kuz
Boy, the religious nuts really don't care for dinosaurs. Not in the Bible, so it hurts their heads to ponder the concept. Maybe it's time to read a second book...

Montana Lady, like in Australia
Oceania ibis birds highly resemble dinosaur features
just research it

that's a myth thankyou how
come giraffes survived the
big metrodies how come
elephant no possible way
disease was infact
camels lama donkeys on its
a myth prove it ! liar

Guznit Italia , back then interfamily marriages were common

I thought it was because they ran out of food. Seems like I read that somewhere.

chgamer, Your son sounds really adorable 🥰

It was the flood

chgamer, love his answers

I thought it was because of early haunting by humans

The dinossaur are have focus

chgamer, lolol..yes

Mom mom Cindy
Zizzlestix, dragons

Mom mom Cindy
it was THE FLOOD!

Jānis R.
DaMomma , Bible is one thing, but science is another. don't try to mix

this is a learning tool for the people who like dinosaurs to learn much more about them.

Guznit Italia
Clo, I slay dragons nightly...I ponder these comments always....
Adam + Eve had children...
who did those grown children meet and mate . if Adam + Eve r the only couple?????
I'm spiritual this I don't understand maybe never will.

Player GruffSecretAg, funny also! dinosaurs were cold blooded, right?

chgamer, that's funny

Player GruffSecretAg, Ha ha ha ha ha

chgamer, Plausible? Like "The Earth is flat." ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Player #94082440
I think it’s completely ridiculous they had to add climate change along with an asteroid impact. Who was keeping records back then?!?!

Fred and Barney had a barbecue at the water buffalo lodge

Jānis R.
humans weren't alive at those times

I like the cannibal option

Player #2445394, there's a simple plausible explanation: Adam and Eve were not the very first humans ever created by God. It is possible that there were many "takes", but God only reveals one in the Bible, kind of like the many versions of the Matrix Neo observed at the Achitect's

chgamer, 😂

HUMANS? I can’t believe people fell for that wrong answer! 🤣

..4144.., I laughed so hard when I saw that cartoon by Larson!

JRed33, the ones bashing the Bible are those who speak negatively about it. You don’t have to believe it if you don’t want to, that is your choice. You are free to be wrong if you choose to be. No one is trying to force the Bible down your throat. If you can honestly say with 100% accuracy that you know exactly what happened without ever having seen it and you believe someone else’s theory, you have the right to have your faith in that. Others choose to have their faith in the word of God.

Player #2445394, Genesis 1:20-25