Which is the largest planet in the Solar System?
Correct answer: Jupiter

I like the storm spot. On a show about the planets, the scientist guessed that the huge hurricane storm that makes the spot had been going for 300 years.

I always get Jupiter and Saturn mixed up as far as bigger size goes but did get it right.

Jupiter can fit all the other planets of the solar system inside itself including Pluto

Daniel 24
the most densest planet in our solar system is earth, always grateful to live here

Marverick, Jupiter is bigger than all the planets combined. 1,300 Earths could fit in Jupiter. It also DOES have 3 rings, but not as visible as Saturn's rings!

"Jupiter's Great Red Spot was first observed in 1831 by amateur astronomer Samuel Heinrich"

Player #25874027
Daniel 24,
You can tell by the population

Devansh Dixit
I know about it from 6 years!

lolirock and anime lover
picture gives it away once again😂😃😄😊☺

Momo Hirai
Well, that was easy

the earth is the densest planet. humans are dense. dunces is the word I believe.

penawareof, the picture helped me, shows saturn is smaller

Tanya, that's crazy! Thanks for the info


It's common sense even small kids know that

Craig Chambers, I'm guessing if there was a New Orleans on Jupiter it's gone now!

Nabila effat
Jupiter is also have 3 rings but not as visible as Saturn rings.

another name we are going to get as the largest planet not in our solar system but in the other Galaxy as I have heard that NASA has found a plant that is bigger then Jupiter .

Player #52855050
Jupiter is one of my favorite planet

do you know all planets of our solar system can perfectly fit between moon and earth

Big Al
Clone1161, Pluto's not a Planet. LOL.

The sun is our biggest star... but...there is a bigger population of gas giants bigger than the sun.
Also 1,300,000 Earths could fit inside 1 sun and 300 suns or even more could fit in 1 gas giant and so and so on until 1,000,000,000,000 has giants could fit inside a WAY Bigger star...

Tanya, it has been going on THOUSANDS of years

The Big red spot is considered a sandstorm because a hurricane is caused by wind and pressure not sand.

Player #13023389
I knew the answer and had no doubt. I had no idea it was formed from gases. Debby

Fun guy
Funtriv: Jupiter still has mass, esp. at that size otherwise it wouldn't have density even only 1.3 - sun is gas on fire & also has mass.

COOKY 2097
Tanya, yeah i found that interesting too

Daniel 24, third rock from the sun

Player #31894843
FunTriv, it has mass and it probably has a core (of some sort) but it might not have a proper core that we can tell is a core. The layers inside the planet might just gradually transition into one another

It is easy peasy

Player #26906820
some people is very some people keep something a secret of course not I wanted them do not listen to me she's a bad so is good this game is really good and the you can really know that the you can ring me that I'm not good at it she's even smaller she can still learn some things at school but I'm bigger than her and she learnt things more than so I want to tell them something I wanted to tell you that some people are 330 years old 310 get equal so I can get a watch what what is make watching are not in it some book of mathematics like ad two of course not two of the course can be caused by what you're saying some people some people like seeing this but I don't want to listen so some people tell everybody must listen to me I want to find this girl ever of course I want a secret I can I can I want the coolest dress ever I want a coolest crowd and the smartest I want my Christmas what my mummy always want Christmas to happen but by my own turn on my wing work boots rain boots for caribou it is somehow like f I wish I wish that I wish I wish I wish my son is going to true I want

bts fan
it is very easy

easy lungs👌

Player #29183871
even a student studying in 2nd class can also ans. this question

Come on people! The picture shows the planets or you don’t know their shapes??
