When is Mickey Mouse's Birthday?
Correct answer: November 18, 1928

1760?! seriously! who answered with that year?! lol

Picking up my Pre-K one day and He said on the way home: “Mommy, do you know that Mickey Mouse is 90 year old?” So that I know. Lol...

Lori Radford
Didnt know now i do

Wonder Woman
Mickey Mouse and my dad have the same birth month and birth year and both still amazingly look well

Nashville Bound
I read a bio on Walt Disney once that said one big irony about his Mickey Mouse and Minnie creations is that he was afraid of mice! Also Disney theme parks have feral cats they've tagged they let run free around the parks for rodent control

I Love mickey!❤️❤️❤️

I only know this because my mother in law is overly obsessed with Mickey mouse (like to the point of being jealous of mini), and I have kids who watch Disney. His birthday just passed and they had it all over Disney.

Player #234685, Lots of Fictional Characters have Birthdays; Bugs Bunny, Harry Potter, Superman etc

Player #1725653, Its a small world eh lol

Player #1725653, Donald Duck and I share a B-Day, June 9th lol

Love Mickey! Worked for the mouse 8 yrs, great company *0*

Wonder Woman , My sister shares a birthday with M.M.!

Player #120374466
Nashville Bound, Good idea! a non poisonous way to deal with the problem.

Player #120374466
Update: Mickey will be 96 November 2024. Who'd ever think he would be a great great grandmouse

who's the leader of the club

So cool just realized my daughter has the same birthday not year but cool!

I was told many years ago that Mickey Mouse was named after Mickey Rooney.

No sorry he is a scorpion confusing my husband date of birth with my sons sorry

No he’s a Sagittarius

I never knew Mickey had an actual birthday!

Gerald &Estie Anderson
I never got to meet walt but l did get to meet his brother Roy

Player #83925953
Read the whole thing and the birthday of Mickey is 11/18/1928. I guess a couple people read it wrong. The original name was Mortimer.

MALICE, hhh not me 1928 is my guess date

MALICE, I do answered it 1760

Wonder Woman , MM was born on the day that my mother turned 8yrs old.

Nashville Bound, they have a contract with the local human society as well with the aspca the cats get a home on Disney property get fixed spayed and neuter and they get fed everyday.

Thanks to Walt, Mickey would have never came along. May he rest in peace 😇.

i love mickey mouse & also love Minnie mouse they are so cute together

Player #22811281
MALICE, I doubt anyone knew this

Knew this, because it was the same day as my step-mother's birthday was.

Player #33737275
The first time I was at Disneyland, I was 7.1968 it must have been, was for Mickey Mouse's BD.

I love Mickey and Minnie both are so cute
and there characters are amazing ♥ ♥

I love Mickey and Minnie both they are so cute
and all there character's

Miss Jay
Happy 92 birthday Micky

Player #26264402, do you know why Mickey divorced Minnie? he found out she was from Pluto

59 years and 10 months elder than me....

Player falling knife
MariaDorit, I bet you do!

Player falling knife
MALICE, How does one know wjo chose what answer? I am baffled.

Player #28447341
BASSOON GUY, Mickey and I have the same birthday, different year.

Player #22512930, That's his anniversary, not birthday.