What is an irrational number?
Correct answer: A number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of integers

I can barely make sense of the question. The answer/explaination has me completely baffled.

Player #27355
I dislike math intensely!!

love math and thought the answer was wonderful. Thank You

Player #27355, I dislike math even more

Maths was invented by the devil to plague people to their deaths.

darn mixed it up with imaginary! been too long

I always say there are 3 types of people in the world. Those who are good at maths and those who are not.

Player #4250921
an irrational number is the number of people who don't vote like I do.😁

Player #26689613
wish people would start calling it maths as it should be and not math

AstonishingLord91086, Math is irrational...lol

mukesh sharma.mahakall.b
🙂 super

I'm so glad I spent all that time learning algebra in Highschool. I use it all the time... NOT!

Jānis R.
Mytop101, being divisible means that it's dividing to whole numbers

seanieG eire/kreta
Player #27355, it's all irrational to me

Mars V
stan the man, comma?

I still haven't got a clue and the answer is irrational

i didnt rememberbut guessed right

Arijeet Dutta
I gave the correct answer!
I love maths and got the highest marks at it!

Deek Vicky
This question took me back to my school days

I'm old school maths taught.repeated formulae.something rattled in the dark recessess of my brain.i know the answer yet I know not why and had no interest in it apart from having to recall it in an exam..It wasn't a question, i felt robbed.!..

jhay r
brahminy, how come?

ChampionNymph37634, me too. Made no sense to me

stan the man
QuizzMister, yes Pi is a much better example to explain that an irrational number has a never ending stream of digits behind the comma.

How I am getting ANY of these questions right is beyond me.

I like mathematics and knew the correct answer.

I'm shocked I remember that and I still don't really understand the answer. Good to know some of that early learning is still in my head!

Surely pi beats root two in the irrational number popularity contest!
More maths questions please. Always the easy ones.

I don't even understand the question, let alone the answer, but the answer was the longest one so

Player #45236340
I like math and I have right answer

Love math - simplest language of all - it has art, symmetry and beauty. Just solve sudoku, and the patterns emerge

Mujahid Mohideen R
Am bad at mathematics.I got the answer right.But that doesn't mean I was aware of that.Just made a guess.

I don't understand the explanation. I like logic puzzles, even those that use basic computation such as Killer Sudoku, but Maths is something I've always struggled with.

Reading the comments... can't remember the last time I genuinely cried laughing. Thank you!

Tina's twin
i cant math at all🤯

I used my knowledge of language to correctly answer this math question! The word ratio is in the answer =/= irRATIONal

Player #1021
I'm good at math :)

It's me
I thought that irrational numbers are what the out-going POTUS uses to count ;)

math no logic yes now that's punny