What does ...---... mean in international morse code?
Correct answer: Distress
Staunch Idiocrat
Awesome question. Everyone should know this
I knew about SOS because my father was a ham radio operator.
I am not a number.
Ben Younglamb, no it's not. For one, you are thinking of the text tone not Nokia's ringtone and, for another, that is ...--... which translates as SMS meaning Short Message Service.
I got my ham license in the 60s when you still had to be able to send and receive morse code
also quick and easy to send when you're up to your armpits in ocean.
Laudy Miss Claudy
I knew about SOS and the series of dots and dashes that represent the letters because SOS soap pads used that Morse code for one of their TV comercials...many years ago.
Player #14055605
was told this by my dad & grandpa before Kindergarten age. so yes have known this my whole life. Three fast, three slow, three fast.
used because its quick and easy. get too fancy help might be too late prior to deciphering it.
Staunch Idiocrat, "Mayday" is the verbal equivalent of SOS and PAN PAN PAN means there is a problem, but life is not endangered. =)
Ben Younglamb
Nokia's special ringtone is SOS!
Staunch Idiocrat, you
Staunch Idiocrat, for
Staunch Idiocrat, Fr like and Oscar for yoi
It's hard to see the spaces between the dashes
I just learned this here
Well I've learnt something! I always thought it was "Save our souls"!
Player #14670093
Staunch Idiocrat, most reasonable answers. take it
I remember it from the (first) Titanic movie,many decades ago!
if the movie is true, the first ship in distress to use SOS was the titanic.
Player #10447102
I didn’t know this so it’s great to know now.
Danny G
I owned a key exactly like this one in the picture! To bad I was too young to take care of it! :(
Yep I knew this, also works with a flashlight to signal for help
Chichoy Bubble Gum
i learnt the info when i was a Boy Scout and we were required to know the Morse code.
Player #37916930
I learnt this while I was a girl guide in school.
Before it was SOS, it was CQD, Come Quick Distress... it was changed to SOS for the obvious reason of it being easier to understand and quicker to send.
Player #30561030
I feel like most people should know that
Player #don e
I knew this since I served as a radio man on the coast guard in the 70's. and it's true. just simple.
my father too, was a ham radio operator and I learned from him as well.
Player #20728078
Good information. Thank you.
Player #19719147
Davey, the Titanic sank on April 15th 1912. It is doubtful an SOS was sent from it on April 17th.
didnt know SOS actually had no literal meaning. this is shocking 😂
Tina B.
I so didn't know this!!! hopefully I'll remember it if ever in in danger.
I learned this reading alot of books about RMS Titanic
John 1965
Dad taught me this when I was a kid. He always said the navy were the hardest to read as they did it so fast.
The first time SOS used was April 17 1912 on the Titanic they started using SOS because they couldn't get a response with CQD which was the first distress call.
always took it as save our souls...oh well I live nlesrn
Smokey Rules
Laudy Miss Claudy, Neat!