Pick the color with the longest wavelength?
Correct answer: Red

Mama Crow
Very interesting! I've heard there are colors we cannot see...besides infrared. It's hard to imagine other possible colors.

l teach science and the description above is very well stated.

This lends a bit to the phrase, "seeing red". Love and work with colours in quilting and fashion design. Please be safe all.

I seen something red when I lay under the sun and close my eyes 🤣

red cars get pulled over by law enforcement more frequently than cars of other colors.

Player #66817220
Roses are red
Roses are blue
Depending on the velocity
Relative to you

Player #21810509
wow...I am so impressed by the way others can understand and describe such things.

Player #2734818
I hear red vehicles are the most involved in wrecks when someone didn't look at traffic long enough

Player #13023389
I thought red but picked blue. Duh...

Mari, I think that is a great question. I love fall colors, and red is my favorite!

Little Luna
rjean, a friend made me learn R0Y G BIV (some number of) years ago.

FuzzySpark2474, I learned that after buying a red car. Lol!

Mama Crow, Infrared is correctly identified as "below red". At the other end of the spectrum is ultraviolet, i.e. "above violet"
The mnemonic "Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain" is an easy way of remembering the colours of the visible spectrum.

is like the widest in the picture

I think it's great since I only pick red it's my favorite color. I use to get in trouble because I did all my school work: homework, reports, math and test in red ink.

sparkle ✨
I mistakenly tap on violet

Bruh, that was so easy!

No1WillSurvive2021, MDMA can cause cause damage to the memory and learning functions of the brain.

FuzzySpark2474, Red cars also tend to become involved in more car accidents than other colors of cars.

Player #80669888
eso es nuevo

dfff v ,cmzmxzm kd

wrong click aish,
frequency yung blue eh

So, totally over thinking. I wonder if it's possible for an individual to feel other colors like Synesthesia. If we can feel the heat from infrared???

I'm a beekeeper..and am always amazed by bees.. did you know the cannot see red, but can see ultraviolet light, as well as polarized light... it's so difficult to imagine what that's like... while you are flying...

Wannabe Vulcan
Hence the "red shift" in celestial objects moving apart from the Earth at high velocity. The Doppler effect on the light waves seems to "stretch" their wavelengths as we perceive them.

Chelu Neb1
shortest path to an accident is to pass red light

• NR •
Surely the picture above given didn't tell thr answer 🤣

kalyani gupta
what are wavelenth

Wow… I never knew that, is my favorite color there?😂😂

the hint from the picture

saya steeve
this is in my text book also ...lol exams are coming

ROYGBIV = Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
From highest wavelength to lowest; also from lowest frequency to highest

How true, FizzySpark. I got more speeding tickets when I had a red car than any other colored cars I owned before or after!

swish, red

Malou-ga me too when I look to the sun neigh close my eyes its red

thanks to the picture

Sharique Ahmed
VIBRYOG violet to red increase in wavelength

Jennifer Lawrence
Malou-ga, Me too. lol

Gamer Girl
to get the public speaker batch, I posted this comment....