Who was the lead guitarist of the Beatles?
Correct answer: George Harrison

3/5 Black Knight
While My Guitar Gently Weeps

Player #27355
Their music has stood the test of time. There will never be another group as talented ❤️❤️

NobleYak13000, John and Paul mainly split the lead vocals but George was lead guitar. Paul ws bass and John rhythm

Absolutely the best musical act so far. All four contributed in a superb way!

Rand Al'Thor
Player Meyer, If not for The Beatles you wouldn't have any of the music you enjoy today. Overrated my foot. 😡

Player #4442958
3/5 Black Knight, My sweet Lord

3/5 Black Knight, he shared solo with Eric Clapton on this one.
clapton was in studio next door with Byrds and George asked him, "Hey, pop on over. It'll be fun(cool)."
They lit-up and history made... again!

Handle Me With Care (feat. Orbison, Petty, Dylan)

3/5 Black Knight, Norwegian Wood

Player #3532789
Player Elf Counsel, Oh dear! You sound like my Granny did!! But even she liked the Beatles!!

toe jam
they were also known as the fab four.

B Dog
JasonR1972, he’s my favorite Beatle and… well heck, can you really pick a “favorite” Wilbury? 😀

Player #6852065
Gewane, and did it left-handed

Player #25874027
Player #25028854,
Octopus‘a garden

hey bulldog!!