What is Anthropology the study of?
Correct answer: Scientific study of Humanity

Our family is a rare specimen that needs further studies

I answered this correctly, but studying man (anthropology) is different than studying humanity.

Ask me what I'm doing with my anthropology degree... 😑

Britannica says there are lots of jobs for anthropologists today, and none of them are teaching. I was surprised at all the different fields and types of employers. I'd dust off my degree and take a look.

Steph, Me too! Or rather, me neither. I graduated in 1975 and remained fascinated by the study of human behavior, human culture, and human interaction all my life. But the only thing I could have done with an anthro degree was get more education and earn a master’s degree, then a PhD. I couldn’t afford it. So I moved on and took adult education classes about anything that sounded interesting!

apocalypse now
oh I see that's Great!!!!!

Zora Neale Huston was an anthropologist