What is the average distance from the Earth to the moon?
Correct answer: 238,900 miles

cynicalsurvivalist, pink Floyd would strongly disagree that it doesn't exist

Timothy D. Wilson
The Dark Side of the Moon does exist, Pink Floyd made the album!

Heartland Old Guy
dollis1963, I agree Dolis. It is there, we just don't see it. It rotates, just not very fast, so we don't get to see different parts of its surface. Check out NASA's web sight, or other space agencies sights for real info on the moon.

Player #8988878Xet
"Matter of fact...It's all dark!!

If you point your telescope to the upper left corner of the moon and timelapse the footage, you will see spaceships landing and taking off occasionally.

please also put it in kilometres.

Shelby Johnson
Lol It is technically all the dark side. The sun lights it up, but the side not facing the earth is considered the dark side of the moon.

Centenarian, how many times in the last 100 years :)?

Player #8669242
Player #7719043, the waterboys

Just like a flying pig over the Battersea Power Plant? 😉

Syr Hal
Metric units as well as imperial, please. For the majority of the world!