What plant is known in the Caribbean as "morivivir"?
Correct answer: All of them.

I wish I could trade all of my flip a tile credits for something I will use

A&B's Nonna
Dighton4, All of the questions with the one answer "all of them" are always the same. They need to mix them up a bit more

Player #2871655
It's called "Makahiya" in the Philippines. We used to play with it when we were kids

Laudy Miss Claudy
I live in Puerto Rico and this plant grows wild in my backyard.

I love the mimosa plants in the orient that closes up when you touch it! Totally awesome plant <3

I wonder if this is a relative of the Prayer Plant my grandmother had. It's leaves used to fold inward if you touched them.

I got this
Wigg53, go to a plant store and ask for a sensitive plant, they'll know what you mean! They're great for kids!!

Player #3325307
It goes to show that everything living have some sensitivity. Plants grow when you talk to them and touch them as well as animals thrive more when loved. Now we have a shy on. Totally awesome

Dighton4, i saw this plant when i went to the Dominican Republic. it was actually fascinating. im a psychologist not a botanist though! lol

You've omitted to say that it was planted around the sugar plantations to show if a slave had escaped and which direction he/she had gone

little b
I don't like plants

Brittany, i grow this plant myself

kat, nimbemoon, yep. That is what i know it as.

nimblemoon, yep. That is what I know it as.

I’m from the Dominican Republic and when I was little we used to have a lot of those in our backyard, oh how I miss them, they used to make me happy the way they do when touched!!

Is this related to the mimosa tree? Or different plant all together? You know the one with the pink Pom Pom flowers that come out in spring/summer?

Laudy Miss Claudy, its the same in philippines they grow everywhere😍😍

In Yoruba speaking part if Nigeria, we call it Padimo padimo, oko re nbo 😀

Used to love scouting for this plant when I was little. Was always fun to watch it close up when touched.

I grow this plant myself

it is also found in Philippines.. we called it "makahiya" or shy.. they say the roots when boiled and drink will make your menstruation flow

MALICE, xckjdhe

Ayah Ajus
It called Putri Malu (Shy Lady) in Indonesia

Marie Josee
GrandmaTanya, I know it's useless

This plant grows in tropical countries like Sri Lanka 🇱🇰

swap sha sho
MALICE, faltu

Player #5149192
Here in North Carolina we had a Mimosa Tree in our yard. The leaves folded when touched and it had the most beautiful pink feathery flowers. I always loved it and still do.

Gabriel Eve
It used to be in our yard in South Africa when I was a child. I haven't seen it in maybe 15-20 years. I loved touching it to watch the leaves fold.

it can be found in Philippines also called makahiya.

here in the philippines we call it "makahiya" because when you touch it it tends to close it's leaves.

Found also in Sierra Leone, and we call it "tie you lappa". We use to play with it when we were kids🤓🤓fun days

Player #26379458
There was a tree on the street near our church that had leaves that folded in when touched - here in Australia. Fascinating !

In Indonesia we call it putri malu meaning shy princess.

King Inanyu
I am interested in it's anti-venom property..but against what..?

Bianca Candy

R.varun Rajappa
Mimosa pudica is a creeping annual or perennial flowering plant of the pea/legume family Fabaceae. It is often grown for its curiosity value: the compound leaves fold inward and droop when touched or shaken, defending themselves from harm, and re-open a few minutes later.

If one of the choices says 'all are correct' choose that one everytime!

its found in India as well. here its called "chhuii-mui"

All of the above , the question said in the caribbean, that threw me

Player #26585209
My friends and I use to call them "touch me not" plants. fun times.