Which hormone is made in the pancreas?
Correct answer: Insulin

jsh, however, type 1 diabetes is not connected to weight at all it is a genetic condition

Sadly, I know quite a lot of people who have diabetes, most of them substantially overweight.

Magic Touch
Iza💕🌺, amylase is an enzyme; The question was about a hormone

Matilda, yes it is

jsh, it. has notto do with it

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, my son has had it since he was 13 and he too is thin but that’s early onset diabetes type two is usually when people have weight issues type two diabetes I don’t think they have to stab themseleves with insulin like the people who have type one

Shark Asylum 1962, did you know you can live without a pancreas?

Amylase too

Player #31753367
MezMama, Yes, apparently very difficult to diagnosis, not always necessarily painful, but many now know symptoms are dismissed at early stages. I have suffered with chronic pancreatitis for 10+yrs and daily take medication that replicates it's function. Also have Barrett's another complication. Am always willing to participate with experimental trials.

Keely, No it isn’t!

pancreatic cancer is one of the most painful and swift killing cancers. most of the time it's already far advanced by the time symptoms appear. this and bone cancer scare me the most!!