How did Joan of Arc die?
Correct answer: She was burned at the stake

Player JohnC, the other option was BURIED alive

The English claimed many ...
Maybe, but it was a Papal court that convicted her of heresy.

Today they call you homophobic for criticising a Woman dressed like a Man. They bend the law when it suits them.

Player #33292972
TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, a lot of people are trying to change history right now. Tearing down statues and changing dates to meet their ideas, keeping a lot of important history out of history out of school books. These kids learning history today and in the future are not going to know what really happened in the past. They don’t realize that without a past we have no future.

I visited the city of Rouen when I was 12 lovely place, we also learned all about Joan of Arc, history nowadays in school isn’t taught the correct way and a lot of children are growing up not knowing about certain events that happened less than 100 years ago, let alone 500 it’s a shame because the past is the place we should learn from so that in the future we don’t repeat past atrocities or judge those people and cultures we know little about.
I too put burnt at the stake. 2 correct answers with this question.

The only decent fighter to come out of France

poor woman condition feminine

Tom, it was the English who burned her on the stake. That is the truth.

Rouen is a wonderful town near Normandy, and easily a day trip from Paris

Player JohnC, BURIED ALIVE attention

rafter, Today they call u homophobic for criticising woman dressed like Men. Bending law when it suits them.

Player JohnC, BURIED alive, not BURNED.