Which well known author survived two plane crashes in 1954?

Correct answer: Ernest Hemingway

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
After these two near misses , you would think he would guard his life, but the great man committed suicide. Its also possible he was in pain for the rest of his life from these accidents. Others speculated he had a genetic condition that predisposes him to Suicide. If memory serves me correctly his Granddaughter committed Suicide also .
Hemingway was truly a great writer. Even though he appealed more to machismo, I enjoyed his novels. Read them while I was still in high school
Das, Thanks for the additional information.
Miss Sue
Miss Sue
Das, Could well be. I've never heard that theory before now
Player #70325607
Player #70325607
It is also a knowledge for me
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player Albert, It is still considered unacceptable by society on the whole.
Keerthana Krishnamohan
Keerthana Krishnamohan
The old man and the sea by Hemingway is one of the classics of American literature