What is the next number in this sequence? 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,...
Correct answer: 34

Bad Nanny
Player #2160135, its useful for so many things. Things look coordinated and tasteful or pleasing to the eye if made according to fibonacci sequences. We all like the look of a 3x5 rectangle because it pleases the eye. Animals such as Nautilus shells grow according to this sequence. It’s found everywhere in nature. It’s fascinating to wonder how life is formed according to these sequences

I didn't know how it was figured, even though I answered correctly. Now, I understand, thanks to this app!

It is a very important number in Hinduism. If a temple has to be built, the area of the plot must satisfy the Taylor expansion series as well as the block design must obey the fibonacci series. If you dig deep and understand the Sanskrit verses, it says there is no form and shape of the god. However, when you visit a temple you see an idol around which you can circumambulate. The exact location of the idol is supposed to be actually a void space according to the definition of a temple. This is the place of singularity where you cannot draw a distinction between positive (also decimal) fibonnaci series as well as negative (decimal) fibonacci series. Why is this number significant? As someone in the previous comment mentioned, it is a golden rule. It manifests itself in all the naturally occurring things in the universe, e.g. cyclone, human eye, flowers, rotation of planets around the sun and what not. So entering a temple is considered as connecting yourself with the creation mentally, physically as well as mathematically. You connect with the nature here and if you pray for something good and it will go all around you and come back to you as good karma. This is also a rule for architecture of Indian houses and is called Vaastu shastra. The rules for this were written in 6th century b.c.in Sanskrit and Tamil.

Fuentes18, would be nice to know what the purpose of this sequence is used for...google here I come haha

I am Dyscalculia, so numbers are a mystery to me, no matter how I try to understand it... All I could think, when reading the description was, “no wonder The Tower of Pisa leans!” lol

I'm not so good at math but I'm a terrific guesser.

Logic speaks
it was found on Indian scriptures much before Fobonacci. It us called Hemchandra numbers in ancient Indian Hindu scriptures.

Davinci code!

Rabbit reproduction.
The ratio between sequential numbers in the Fibonacci sequence approaches Golden Ratio... interestingly however you can start with any quantity, add it to itself, and continue adding them sequentially and the ratio will always approach Golden Ratio. Beauty in simplicity. 🙂

Thus after 34, the next number in sequence is 55 (21+34).
Thank you for sharing an explanation. 🙏

Le Khanh
Quah ahah mal tuc

Smart Kitten
What is the use for this number sequence?

Bad Nanny, God designed it this way!

I wish the picture was an illustration of the principle in nature so people could understand who don't know. Think natural spirals like a fiddlehead fern, whorl of a seashell, spiral galaxy and hurricane system seen from above. A beautiful, universal natural phenomenon!

So dishonest how modern day academicians have omitted facts from history. Fibonacci, Pi, Golden Mean, and others have all been around for thousands of years and can be witnessed in the many megalithic, pyramidal structures around the world. To say that some geezer a few centuries ago discovered them is a grand fallacy.

Ukraniac, I’m dyscalculia too. Never met anyone else with that brain quirk.

hello kitty
Bad Nanny, I learnt this recently, from our own finger print up to the universe itself follows this pattern, proving Gods own stamp of design on all creation!🤗❤️

Player #37955703
Tool (the band) are waaay into these sequences.

Jim Sage
A stab in the dark and made a guess

Lovie Anderson
Amazing Math trick😉

CuckooAnge, I know right?

Alexandra Petreanu
so easy, lol I've never been good at maths

Juju uk
Now I understand how it works but the point of it, I have no idea.

Juju uk
I am useless with maths just don't understand decimals etc etc. However after seeing answer I get it. What the point of it is I don't get though.

my mind just won't go there!

Player Animal97
Nice one now I know

Player #19349178
Player #7939710, I was going to mention this song too. 😊

got it wrong but i have learnt something for the day

Player #14680106
Bad Nanny, oops, supposed to say also.

Player #14680106
Bad Nanny, The Milky Way is Alston’s formed by this sequence 😮

God I hate math

DeDark Queendom, how odd. my western education did not. we studied civilizations the entire world over. not once were we led to believe this bullshit you mention

Player #10526382
Ukraniac, I thought it meant like 13579111315 & so on

Player #10096981
learn something new every day

Player #7939710
TOOL "Lateralus"