What is the muscular tube that pushes food from the throat to the stomach?
Correct answer: Esophagus
I really enjoyed this question. It had a lot of interesting information. If I had to do a quiz on the body I would not pass. I did get this right but wasn't sure.
Player #120374466
so many of us have problems with our digestive system these days due to stress, bad food, and for wonen, too much heavy lifting can contribute to acid reflux
Player #138029610
Angela , extremely clever the human body is really.
APEE , because?
Player #126394664, (too) btw a what's the point in tonsils?
Player #126394664
olivia , by father in law had esophagus cancer but he was to old & it was to advanced. So glad they were able to help you.
Excellent and easy to understand explanation of how the food makes it way to the stomach. The amazing and complex human body.
My husband just had esophagus cancer and they took out most of it. So this is very familiar.
Player #4547841
Player #131302289, I bet...
Mine works very slow always had digestion issues
I have a gastro stimulator now in my upper part now bc the muscle will not open like it's supposed 2 its very aggravating bc I stay sick from it
very good info, I've had esophagus problems
Player #14000764
It is amazing how our bodies is made. Definitely we are remarkably made. The Great Spirit made sure man was created perfect. Every thing works.
Incorrect spelling it came from Ancient Greek and is oesophagus