How many children did President John Tyler father?
Correct answer: 15

This reminds me of a minivan I saw in Utah with those family stickers on the back window and it was husband, wife, kid, kid, kid, kid, kid, kid, kid, baby, dog. Someone had written in the dust on their back window, "Oh My Gosh! Get OFF of Her!!!" 😂

I was worried when I read "daughter-in-law" stepped in. I thought "EW! don't say it!" Phew!

Two of his grandsons are still alive. He is the earliest former president with living grandchildren

wow, busy man

Player #2395057, They say 1 in 200 people are related to Ghengis Khan, but they also say that 1 in 100 are related to John Tyler. In 200 years, maybe 1 in 50 people will be related to Steven Tyler.....

he was trying to father half the country instead of being the country's father

that record would be hard to beat

OldLlama121, I'm from a family of 15 all successful 1 is deceased ages from 53_77

Player #4103152
My Mom had 15 children 12 girls 3 boys.

Player #3853015
my grandfather had 2 wifes & 18 children. 9 by each. He died @ 86, in 1976

He was busy for sure . Poor wifev

That's right! They didn't have TV back then and No birth control. Probably No doctors told them to abstain 4 awhile 2 allow her body 2 heal. Also once her body is used 2 being pregnant, it's very Easy 2 get pregnant again within the first year. And with no birth control, what do u expect??

Wowzer!! Ur right, he was a busy man!! However, we have present day people like that. Does Anybody remember Octo-Mom?? And who can forget The Famous Duggan family!!

no TV back in those days huh?

Player #3685694, duh, k homer

2ndoffour 0, he had 0 (zero) time , that's how much ,,

Player #27709680, spandex,no thank you

Nutshell, That's funny hat's funny

He had children in old age, so did one of his sons. President Tyler was born when George Washinton was President. One of his grandsons has died, so only one remains, but their legacy has lasted centuries.

Player #118103951, Good for her! Me too, just one!

Cat Mom
Player Lady Bird, no way, he fathered children in his 90's? Or am I just confused?

Cat Mom
joepla, I just guessed the largest number and got it right

Cat Mom
Lucy, you mean combined, right?

Cat Mom
yvonnefoxx66, good one!

Cat Mom
MDK, lol, so did I

My grandmother is 1 of 21 children of my great grandfather. He had married 2x. 10 with his 1st wife (my great grandmother) and 11 with his second wife.

VibrantSelfishness2, or TV

I guess 8 cos I said I know he had plenty, not realizing was so much more. lol

Player #89643615

Rawkit24, one has passed

toothless beachrat
I had a boss at Shakey's Pizza in Manhattan Beach, CA, in 1975 who was named John Tyler.

Woman on Fire
Player #118103951, My maternal grandmother came from a family of 13 and she was the youngest born in open waters on the boat to America from England. My great grandparents had to get a green card for her as she didn’t have citizenship in either England or American. We used to say she was from Atlanta because she was born over the Atlantic Ocean. LOL Unfortunately none of her or her siblings are surviving any longer. She was born in 1909.

Player #120374466
It was common up until recently to have large families. My father, born in 1915, came from a family of 12 kids.

Player #118103951
Nutshell, that's hilarious! My Great Grandama was the eldest of fourteen children. When she got married she had ONE child. My Nana.

MDK, I was thinking the same

yvonnefoxx66, word on the street is that Ben Franklin could Literally have been called “father of the country” viz a viz George Washington.” don’t have deets on that at the moment tho.

Really. Is this true

JCD, I'm sure if he has living grandchildren he has great grands out here also... and there is a lot of Tyler's in the world...

MDK, Lol, that's where my mind went, too.

A "prosperous planter" indeed.