What is Nyctophobia?
Correct answer: Fear of darkness

don't make light of the fear of darkness

Fear of NYC. Lol

Heartland Old Guy
Good question, but unreasonable explanation, as are a lot of explanations involving phobias. A phobia is not an unreasonable fear to those who have them. Just ask them. They just don't know why they are afraid for the most part. But the fears are real to them, and we should never, as Mistertoppnotch38 says, make light, especially at someone's expense. Put yourself in their shoes. How would you like someone laughing at you for the same thing? Or a real fear you might have?

Player #5621402, this comment did not she well. 😅 how is everyone doing halfway through 2020?

Player #25874027
Player #5621402,
I think currently what most are scared of is 2020 itself.

Heartland Old Guy, Most fears are ingrained within us from some sort of childhood trauma. And yes, they all are so real to whomever experiences them. Not here to place blame, just facts of life.

I am not afraid of the dark. I am afraid of what is in the dark.

Player #5621402
We are all scared of something. Happy New Year to you all have a great 2020. Be happy

I read that the lovely Peter Cushing suffered from this

Player #35313897, there's nothing fear about them.

Player #5621402, age* well

Player #3342123
one and the same